Urban Space-Play Area

Exhibition and Parcours at the Francke Foundations

A child balances on a labyrinth marked with yellow lines on cobblestones.

We invite you to help shape an experiment in Halle that is currently moving European cities and metropolises such as Vienna (Superblocks), Paris (15-minute city) or Barcelona (Superilles): Who owns public space and how do we want to live in our cities? For two months, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design graduates Gesa Janßen and Simon Kurze will be transforming the paths of the Francke Foundations educational cosmos into a play space, thereby drawing attention to a phenomenon: Why do we not use spaces such as pavements or play streets, but instead banish play to fenced-in playgrounds? Like an obstacle course, the traffic routes can be rethought and creatively played on. Artistic interventions with colourful paint on the ground provide inspiration for this.

For many years now, access to the foundation grounds has been severely restricted for motorised traffic. Pedestrians, including over 1000 schoolchildren, families with pushchairs, cyclists and other vulnerable road users have priority over cars and lorries. This is good for social interaction and promotes a people-friendly atmosphere on the historic site. The urban play space project invites visitors to play and linger creatively on many of the foundations' paths throughout the summer. Cars need to show special consideration during the exhibition period! Because in the city-wide cultural theme year entitled ‘Come out to play’, people are reclaiming public space as playful beings.


A poster presentation by the two artists Gesa Janßen and Simon Kurze in the Spielehaus will show the conceptual background to the experiment.  At the exhibition opening on 1 May 2024 at 6 p.m., there will be a discussion with the two artists, Mirko Petrick (Children and Youth Commissioner of the City of Halle), representatives of the city administration and moderated by Nele Neuhaus (Radio Corax) about open spaces and play spaces in the city of Halle.