Offers for School Classes

History-Lab Pre-Modernity

Praxismodules History
High school

Young women and men work on a poster at one of the work tables in the LeoLab.
[Translate to Englisch:]
Practical, well-founded, compact. Our history lab introduces students to the work of historians based on a thematic focus of early modern history (e.g. early Enlightenment, global history, history of education, etc.). In up to six practical modules, experts from the research department, the archive, the library and the museum support the students with impulse lectures, guided tours, discussion rounds and workshop sequences in the LeoLab.

Advent, Advent

Museum educational offer
Klassen 1–4, Förderschule

Collage verschiedener gebastelter und gezeichneter Weihnachtsdinge: Engel, Sterne, Kerzen
Wir machen es uns gemütlich und stimmen uns auf die Feier- und Wintertage ein. Die Kinder lauschen Geschichten, gestalten in der Werkstatt kleine Kunstwerke oder Geschenke und nutzen die Zeit zum gemeinsamen Spielen.
Das Angebot ist von der Woche vor dem 1. Advent bis zu den Weihnachtsferien buchbar.
(Religion/Ethik, Sachunterricht)

Bible Plants

Interactive tour
Children between the ages of 9 and 14
Education for sustainable development

Over one hundred different plant species are mentioned in the Bible. These are largely the same species as in the holy books of Judaism and Islam. The most important plants can be found in our Bible garden. If desired, we can grind and bake a simple flatbread, and participants can organise a garden tour of the seven most important biblical plants themselves. At the end there will be a meal of flatbread, grape juice and biblical fruit. (in German)

Botany and Plant Identification

Activity-based workshop
classes 6-10
Education for sustainable development

Ein Mädchen mit Papier und Stift betrachtet konzentriert eine Pflanze in einem blühenden Beet.
Botanical knowledge of plant identification is a prerequisite for being able to assess biodiversity. Depending on the time available, we can go through up to three stations in this programme. After a brief introduction to a simple plant identification book, we first identify plant species independently. Then we categorise garden plants into the most important plant families. Thirdly, there is a herb quiz. At the end, a homemade herb quark on fresh bread is the reward. (in German)

Designing with Plants / Nature Self-Printing / Advent Arrangements

Creative workshop
Children between the ages of 7 and 14
Education for sustainable developmenr

[Translate to Englisch:] Naturselbstdruck eines Blattes
We create pictures from flowers and leaves collected and dried in the garden as well as autumnal window decorations from natural materials. Using the technique of nature self-printing, we create creative prints from leaves and plants. During Advent, we make our own Advent arrangements from natural materials.
(in German)

Dyeing with Plants

Creative Workshop
Children between the ages of 9 and 14
Education for sustainable development

Ein Mädchen hält strahlend ein lilafarbenes Seidentuch hoch.
While plant dyes used to play a decisive role in the dyeing of fabrics, knowledge of dye plants has largely been lost today. We rediscover historical dye plants and even dye silk scarves in an environmentally friendly way using plant material. Patterns can be incorporated for embellishment. During the Easter period, we dye eggs with plant-based colours and individual leaf patterns.
(in German)

Everything in order! Francke's Collections

Museum educational offer
Klasse 5–7

geordnete Steine von oben
With the Kunst- und Naturalienkammer and the Historische Kulissenbibliothek, the foundations house two fascinating collections. The groups get to know the places through practical exercises - communicative, associative and explorative.
(History, German)

Experience the Garden with all Your Senses

Activity-based workshop
Children between the ages of 5 and 14.
Education for sustainable development

Kinder erkunden mit verbundenen Augen den Pflanzgarten.
The Francke Foundations' Pflanzgarten becomes a »garden of the senses« if you approach it in a completely different way. We explore and enjoy the garden using various sensory perception games for seeing, smelling, touching and tasting.
(in German)

Food Crops and Cereals

Activity-based workshop
Children between the ages of 5 and 14.
Education for sustainable development

Depending on the season, we get to know numerous vegetable plants, fruit trees and shrubs in the plant garden and process their harvest fresh from the garden into healthy and delicious food. We focus on health aspects as well as regional and seasonal nutrition. We also learn about the most important types of grain and their uses, as grain can be ground, baked, flaked into muesli or cooked as porridge on site. (in German)

Francke for explorers

Museum education offer
Children's daycare, Classes 1-4

Kinderhände malen mit einem Pinsel Formen, die thematisch zu dem Überbegriff »kaputt« passen
Our introductory programme for kindergarten and primary school groups visiting the Francke Foundations for the first time. The children learn about the history of the orphanage, explore the cabinet of curiosities and take a look over the city of Halle from the balcony.
(general studies, German, design, religion/ethics)

Francke in focus - photo safari through the foundations

Museum educational offer
Klassen 5–7

Das ausgestopfte Krokodil in der Wunderkammer im Hintergrund ist auf einem Handydisplay im Vordergrund zu sehen.
Das Krokodil in der Kunst- und Naturalienkammer zählt zu den beliebtesten Fotoobjekten in den Stiftungen.
With quotations from August Hermann Francke, the young people embark on a photographic search for illustrative motifs. What pictorial solutions can be found in the terrain? What is behind the historical quotations? The programme serves to get to know the Francke Foundations independently and enables an approach to August Hermann Francke's world of ideas.
(History, German, Art)

Freshly pressed - printing workshop in the Krokoseum

Museum educational offer
classes 3–4, special needs

Ein Junge setzt mit beweglichen Lettern einen Text für eine Druckerpresse.
To disseminate his writings, August Hermann Francke founded his own printing press. In our printing workshop, pupils practise the historical technique of printing with typesetting frames, metal type and small mirrored type: Small texts are written, typeset and printed. A thematic focus is possible by arrangement.
For larger groups, the program can be combined with "School in the past"!
(German, general studies, arts)

High Pressure Area - Experimenting with Language, Word and Image

Museum educational offer

Eine Hand hält einen Druckstock, daneben ein Setzkasten mit Metalllettern
The programme leads into the Wunderkammer. Based on the impressions gathered there, text modules are created that are set and printed. In addition to the historical printing technique with movable type, the participants try out a printing process for illustrations.

People and the Environment in Francke's Time and Today

Interactive Workshop
Children between the ages of 10 and 14
Education for sustainable development

Ein historischer Stich von Gottfried August Gründler zeigt einen Bauern bei der Aussaat auf einem Feld vor den Franckeschen Stiftungen.
How did people live 300 years ago, what did Francke's world look like? We approach the world of the 18th century through lifestyle, diet, land use, etc. and discover the differences to our lives today. Depending on the time, we will prepare a meal ourselves as we did back then. (in German)

School in the past

Museum educational offer
classes 2–4, special needs

[Translate to Englisch:]
[Translate to Englisch:]
What did school lessons look like 300 years ago? What subjects were there back then? In the historical classroom, the pupils decipher a timetable from the 18th century. They practise writing in Kurrent script with pen and ink, just like the pupils in August Hermann Francke's time, and discover the world in miniature in the Wunderkammer.
(Sachunterricht, German)

Seasonal Nature Explorations

Activity-based workshop
Children between the ages of 5 and 14
Education for sustainable development

[Translate to Englisch:]
[Translate to Englisch:]
From the different early bloomers in early spring to the ripening of fruit and the colouring of leaves on various trees and shrubs in autumn, we experience, observe and investigate seasonal changes in plants and animals in the plant garden and the grounds of the Francke Foundations. (in German)

Simple Experiments with Plants

Activity-based workshop
Children between the ages of 7 and 14
Education for sustainable development

Ein Mädchen besprüht fröhlich Keimlinge im Gewächshaus.
We carry out experiments on the germination and growth of plants to find out what environmental conditions plants need to survive. The experiments are designed for a longer period of time. We start the experiments at the first meeting. Then everyone carries out their observations independently. At the second meeting, we analyse the results together. (in German)

Soil - Our Basis of Life

Workshop with small experiments
Children between the ages of 7 and 14
Education for sustainable development

The programme aims to help children understand that soil, the earth, is an important basis of life for us all. We explore the components of soil, discover the world of soil organisms, consider how soil is formed and carry out simple soil experiments depending on the time. (in German)

Spices and Medical Plants

Activity-based workshop
Children between the ages of 7 and 14
Education for sustainable development

Various medicinal and aromatic plants are used to promote health and well-being. During a herbal tour, we learn about important medicinal and aromatic plants, their typical scent, sometimes also flavour, their medicinal use and effect. We then test our knowledge in a herbal quiz. Depending on the time available, we finish by making something homemade from herbs, such as herbal tea or herbal spread. (in German)

Wunderkammer art laboratory. An art workshop for children

Museum educational offer
Children's daycare, classes 1-4

On an informative collecting safari through the Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities, we collect various memorabilia for works of art, which we put together in our workshop to create a kaleidoscope of pictures or curious art objects.