Amos Comenius Day Care Centre

In our group of three mixed-age children, the sea children, the forest children and the sky children, as well as the youngest (up to two years old), the animal children, we give your child creative freedom and encourage it early in its development.
Amos Comenius (1592-1670) is one of the most famous teachers. He was the first to come up with the idea of raising children outside the home, which was the prototype of a kindergarten. He saw schools as »workshops of humanity«, in which everyone should be taught in everything. He understood education not only as the accumulation of knowledge, but also as the goal of learning to learn. His approaches influenced August Hermann Francke's educational reforms, which can still be felt today in the school and education system.
We look after your children in multi-age groups. This enables the children to accept age differences within a community as normal at an early age and to learn from each other. In the groups, we strive for a balanced relationship between creative freedom and targeted learning opportunities. Playing, handicrafts and painting are as much a part of the day as practicing certain motor skills through dance and sport and preparing the older children for school through language games and simple set theory. Through a cooperation with the Robert Koch indoor swimming pool, swimming lessons up to the acquisition of the DLRG seahorse badge are possible. Activities and celebrations together with the parents promote not only the contact between parents and educators, but also within the parenthood. The aim of these activities is to support the children at an early age and to prepare them for life and not just for school. We also rely on the active participation of the children. The children jointly elect a children's council, which is involved in the decisions of the Day Care Centre. In this way the children learn to formulate their own wishes and to have a voice in the content.
Our nursery uses rooms on the ground floor and on the 1st floor of the building in Voßstraße, which was completely renovated in 2005. Our rooms open directly into the large garden, which we use in all weathers. The children of the Montessori Kinderhaus and the after-school care of August Hermann Francke also use the garden.
The animal children, sea children and sky children each have an area with a children's kitchen, sanitary facilities and cloakroom. The forest children use a storey room. We also have various rooms for creative activities:
At the present time the Director, the Deputy Director, 15 educators, an educator, a pedagogical assistant and a technical assistant are working in the Comenius day care centre. After many qualifying further training courses, we offer English lessons in mixed-age groups as well as musical and religious education courses. Children aged 4 and over can sing in our Daycare Choir. Pre-school children also have the opportunity to gain their first experience in theatre play. With them we also regularly visit the Pflanzgarten School Garden of the Francke Foundations for offers in environmental education.
On certain occasions during the church year, the pastor of the foundation, Friedrich Wegner, visits the day-care centres of the Francke Foundations. At the Amos Comenius daycare centre, he talks to pre-school children about important church festivals: Advent and Christmas, Passion and Easter, Pentecost, Thanksgiving and Saint Martin. The children learn in a playful way why these festivals are celebrated.
Constant processes help the children to find their way around, to get a rhythm for everyday life and to gain trust. Therefore, the basic structure of the daily routine is the same for the whole week.
6:30 am
Our house is opened and the children play until 7:00 am in the group of early care.
7:30 am to 8:00 am
We have breakfast in a cosy environment.
8:00 am to approx. 9:00 am
After breakfast the free play phase begins. During this time, the children have the opportunity to choose their own play location, play partner and play materials.
9:00 am to 10:00 am
Targeted learning opportunities, projects and fruit breakfasts follow the season. Whether sport, music, dance, experimentation, creativity, English, stories, songs, rhymes or number games, the children discover interesting connections, grasp processes of the world as a whole. They acquire skills, competences and knowledge.
10:00 am to 10:45 am
The children use the time outdoors for romping, climbing, balancing and simply to linger. Even a pair of mud trousers won't stop us from going out.
11.00 am
A lunch table prepared by the children invites all the children of the individual groups to have lunch. Each child portions his or her meal according to the feeling of hunger and all children start together according to the table motto.
12.00 pm to 2:00 pm
Noon rest in our house.
2:00 pm to 3.00 pm
It's time to have a snack together in the groups.
3.00 pm to 5.30 pm
Depending on the weather we play outside or in the group room.
5:30 pm
The kindergarten closes its doors and looks forward to the next day.
The care of the children is covered all day by the food provider DLS Dienstleistungs- und Service GmbH. It includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks and fruit.
You can cancel your child's meal for the current day until 7:00 am. You can do this conveniently using the app provided by the provider on his website.
The Kita-ABC is intended to make it easier for you and us to work together when it comes to getting your child familiar with us quickly and making him or her feel comfortable in our facility soon. First of all: A short time without mum or dad can be practiced even before entering the kindergarten. Occasional separation enables your child to gain confidence that it will not be abandoned by its parents. This is especially positive if you are always back at the agreed time. Of course, we know that it is not easy for you as parents to separate from your child. That is why we recommend: Explain to your child when you are going to pick him up and show him that you are looking forward to seeing him again.
The support association of Amos Comenius Day Care Centre supports the work of the Day Care Centre effectively and invite all parents to participate actively. For this we would like to thank you all very much!
If you want to register your child in our institution, please fill in the Registration Form and send it to us by post. You are also welcome to drop it in the mailbox at our house. We would like to point out that registration by e-mail is not possible.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about registration and the work of the Kita in a personal meeting. Please arrange a personal appointment with us by telephone or E-mail.
We are looking forward to your visit!
The toddler group is a component of our familiarization concept and takes place before the regular familiarization. Parents, children and educators have the opportunity to get to know each other playfully in the group.
Appointments 2020
Unfortunately no appointements are known yet.
Our children's facility is open weekdays between 6:30 am and 5:30 pm.
On the following days our facility must remain closed:
30.04.2020: Team FOBI (FSH)
15.05.2020 Game market Team FB
22.05.2020: Bridge Day
19.06.2020: Sugar bag festival (closed from 12 noon)
18.09.2020: Company outing
18.12.2020 to 03.01.2021: Closed at the turn of the year