School Social Work

The building of the primary school painted in bright colors by the students

We support pupils and teachers of the August Hermann Francke Primary School and the August Hermann Francke Secondary School in their everyday school life.

In this way we contribute to strengthening the pupils and have a positive effect on the community at the school:


We advise pupils and their families as well as teachers and pedagogical staff in socio-pedagogical matters. The focus is on the interests of the children and young people as well as the community at the school.

Designing transitions

We provide support in shaping the transitions from enrolment in school until apprenticeship.

Individual support

In everyday school life there are not only nice moments. Our case management helps to find tailor-made solutions for pupils with corresponding needs. Pupils are individually supported and supervised by the staff.

Social pedagogical work with groups

We enrich everyday school life with creative activities, social skills training, violence prevention, bullying intervention and much more.

Conflict resolution

We support you in coping with a variety of conflict situations. It is our concern that the students also learn the methods of dispute resolution.

Democracy education

We build up participative formats, communicate equal opportunity values and inform about children's and youth's rights.

Open offers

We create low-threshold voluntary offers in the fields of culture, media, sport and leisure.

School-related assistance

We provide school-related assistance
•    in the case of special educational needs,
•    in the development of individual help plans with the school.

Education and partizipation

We support families and teachers in applying for funding under the Education and Participation Programme. This involves financial support for school trips and excursions, personal school supplies, transport costs, learning support, lunch or membership fees in the areas of sport, games, culture and community, as well as for lessons in artistic subjects and participation in leisure activities.

Promoting health

Health is an important basis for developmental participation in everyday school life. We therefore pay special attention to psychological and physical components, strengthening self-competence and educating the pupils.

Realising networking

We network the school and the facilities of the Francke Foundations with a variety of cooperation partners. For a holistic education we organize our network as a multi-professional team.

Our school social work teams

Nadine Zober
School social worker
Haus 40

Janina Friebe
School social worker
Haus 40


Martin Jensch
School social worker
+49 (0)1525-9401527
Ronja Pape
School social worker
+49 (0)176-15656859
Jana Weichsel
School social worker