Exhibitions Online

Our digital offer for a tour of the Francke Foundations from the comfort of your own home

Welcome to the site of our digital cultural offerings! Here you have the opportunity to get to know the exhibitions and collections of the Francke Foundations from the comfort of your own home.

NEU: Historische Architekturlandschaft und moderner Bildungskosmos

Unsere Filme über die Franckeschen Stiftungen

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Tief verwurzelt, hoch hinaus

Die Franckeschen Stiftungen sind ein einzigartiger Bildungskosmos und viel mehr als ein Museum. Gegründet mit dem Ziel, die Gesellschaft zu verbessern, beteiligen wir uns an aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Debatten: demokratische Bildung, gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und nachhaltiges Handeln. Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller-Bahlke, Direktor der Franckeschen Stiftungen, erzählt von Franckes Ideen und Initiativen, die noch heute Grundlage unserer Arbeit sind.

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Die Schulstadt im 18. Jahrhundert

Die Franckeschen Stiftungen galten im 18. Jahrhundert als eine der bedeutendsten Bildungseinrichtungen in Deutschland. Dank einer beispiellosen Rettungsaktion nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung 1990 und dem Engagement vieler Menschen sind die Stiftungen heute wieder ein Zuhause für einen außergewöhnlichen Bildungskosmos. Prof. Dr. Holger Zaunstöck, Leiter der Stabsstelle Forschung, gibt einen Einblick in 300 Jahre Architekturgeschichte der Franckeschen Stiftungen - von der ersten Idee bis heute.

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Bildung für alle

Bildung ist der Schlüssel zu gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe, Vielfalt und Offenheit. Deshalb unterstützen und begleiten wir Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien auf ihrem Weg.
Die stellvertretende Direktorin Anneheide von Biela stellt die vielfältigen Angebote und besonderen Herausforderungen in der Bildungsarbeit unserer Einrichtungen vor.


The image database of the Francke Foundations

Discover your favourite photos!

Ansicht des Eingangsbereiches in die Franckeschen Stiftungen mit dem Waisenhaus, dem Francke-Wohnhaus und der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses.

Every year, the Francke Foundations' educational cosmos produces around 1,200 professional photographs depicting our work in culture, science and education as well as our numerous events. In our image database, you can browse through selected compilations, create your own collections and request images directly for your home.


Experience history digitally

from 3D model to digital rescue mission for children and families

[Translate to Englisch:] Grafik ein Krokodil mit einer Süprechblase mit der Aufschrift du zählst

The voices of things

The things in the Wunderkammer are threatened by oblivion. Tayé the crocodile needs your help. Be there and snatch the stories of his friends from oblivion in our web app game by game!

Screenshot of the screen with the 3D model of the large salt boiling hut.

The Thalsaline. Halle and Salt around 1700

We have taken the salt boiling hut models from our Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities, from the roof to the foundation, point by point and turned them into an interactive 3D model that makes the process of salt production visible. The Digital Story embeds the models in the history of salt production in Halle with many sources and exciting detailed information.


New in the Online Exhibitions

Total Real. The discovery of visualisation

How do we approach the world in order to understand it? Around 1700, the theologians and educators August Hermann Francke (1663-1727) and Christoph Semler (1669-1740) left the proven paths of the school and educational methods of their time. Find out what clarity meant to them and what questions their legacy raises for the future of learning in our online exhibition.

Archivophilia. Beautiful things from the Francke Foundations´ archive

The former reading room next to the Historic Library is currently dedicated to »Archivophilia«, i.e. the love of archives, and offers the opportunity to discover the beauty and significance of these treasures. On display are oriental and medieval manuscripts, documents, prints and engravings that reflect the society of the time and provide an insight into the art and culture of past eras.

Sie wollen mehr sehen? Stöbern Sie in den schönsten Sonderausstellungen der vergangenen Jahre und entdecken Sie spannende Themen und Mitmachangebote online!


Our digital tours

Experience the unique Francke Foundations with the Historic Orphanage and the Baroque Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities

© prefrontalcortex

Digitaler Zeitzeugen-Rundgang

Die Architektur der Stiftungen ist nicht nur einzigartig, sie weckt bei vielen Menschen auch Erinnerungen an eine Zeit, in der der Wiederaufbau unsicher schien und dennoch viele den Mut hatten, anzupacken. Mit einem neuen virtuellen Rundgang lässt sich diese Geschichte nun aus nächster Nähe erleben: in digitalen Wackelbildern mit Vorher-Nachher-Effekt, mit Augmented Reality (AR), mit spannenden Informationen, ikonischen Bildern und persönlichen Geschichten.

Die Fassade des Historischen Waisenhauses

Digital Tour of the Historic Orphanage 

In our digital tour, we take you on a tour of the house from the exhibitions on the first floor to the Freylinghausen Hall - Francke's old prayer and singing room - and up to the Altan: the whole house is open to you.

Blick in die Kunst- und Naturalienkammer mit dem Weltenmodell und den historischen Sammlungsschränken.

Digital tour of the Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities

In the former dormitory of the orphan boys in the Historic Orphanage, the whole world fits into one room. That's because 300 years ago, the Francke Foundations' Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities was established to teach the children of the school town about the infinite variety of divine creation. Step into this unique early museum with our digital tour.

Sie suchen einen besonderen Rundgang? Lassen Sie sich von unseren vielfältigen digitalen Rundgängen begleiten.


Einblicke in unsere Sammlungen

The treasures of the cabinet

There are over 3,000 objects in the Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities. We present some of our favourite pieces here.

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Das Waisenhausmodell in der Wunderkammer (Orphanage Model in the Wunderkammer)

Why was the model of the orphanage shown in the orphanage? Was it built as a toy, similar to a doll's house, was it a learning object at August Hermann Francke's schools or did it serve to illustrate the educational cosmos of Halle's Pietists during guided tours? Prof. Dr. Holger Zaunstöck took a close look at this special object.

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The women's carpenter shoe

Visitors to the Francke Foundations' Wunderkammer are always fascinated by the collection of women's shoes in cabinet 14, the clothing cabinet. Were the Pietists interested in fashion? And which woman's shoe was taken off her foot? Friederike Lippold took a close look at the »old Muscovite women's carpenter's shoe«.

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The India cabinet

The India cabinet in the Francke Foundations' Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities contains many different exciting artefacts. Our Indian federal volunteer Mercy Rethna is fascinated and explains how the objects are connected to her home country. In the film, she describes the hand fans made from palm leaves and a hand drum. How did she like the coconut as an exhibit?

The ray skin figure

There is an interesting and strange figure in the Francke Foundations' cabinet of curiosities. Is it an extinct animal or perhaps a man-made dragon? Museum educator Florian Halbauer tells us the exciting story of the figure and the strange way in which rays are worked.

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The Medina worm

Probably the most inconspicuous wet preparation in the cabinet of curiosities should not be underestimated. If the wrong medical treatment was given, the patient's life was quickly in danger. Thomas Grunewald knows the story of how the Medina worm from the leg of a South Indian schoolboy became an object in the animal cabinet of August Hermann Francke's Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities in Halle in the 18th century.

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The herbarium leaf of the great trembling grass

Today, biologist Cornelia Jäger presents us with an 18th century herbarium leaf from the plant cupboard. Where does the grass with the beautiful name, which does not grow wild in Germany, come from? What is so special about it that it ended up in the cabinet of curiosities and what was it used for? Cornelia Jäger enlightens us.

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The glass fibre wig

A scratchy fibreglass wig in the cabinet of curiosities is a mystery. Was it a prototype or was the model often worn in the evening in the 18th century so that people didn't set their hair on fire by candlelight? Helene Jung answers the many questions surrounding this special object.

Sie wollen mehr Objekte kennenlernen? Finden Sie alle digitalen Angebote zur Kunst- und Naturalienkammer auf der Ausstellungsseite.

Die Schätze der Bibliothek

Wie Kulissen in einem barocken Theater ragen die originalen Bücherregale in den Raum hinein und beherbergen rund 50.000 Bücher aus allen Wissensgebieten. In kurzen Filmen stellen wir Kleinode und Kurioses aus diesem Bücherschatz vor.

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Die Bibliothek der Franckeschen Stiftungen

»Eine der besten Bibliotheken der Zeit« und der älteste noch erhaltene profane Bibliothekzweckbau Deutschlands. Lernen Sie mit Dr. Britta Klosterberg die Bibliothek der Franckeschen Stiftungen kennen!

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Der Bibliomane Heinrich Milde (1676–1739)

Die böhmische Bibel in der Sammlung Mildes wurde 1537 in Prag gedruckt. Sie gehört zu den schönsten Büchern in der Bibliothek. Für den Druck wurden die Holzstöcke der Cranach-Bibel von 1534 aus Wittenberg entliehen.

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Der Ritterroman

Den spätmittelalterlichen Ritterroman »Theuerdank« gab niemand geringeres als der römisch-deutsche Kaiser Maximilian I. persönlich in Auftrag. Dafür engagierte er die besten Dichter, Buchgestalter und Künstler seiner Zeit.

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Das Tierbuch

Das dreibändige naturhistorische Tafelwerk erschien Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts in Nürnberg und zeigt 240 kolorierte Kupfertafeln mit Tierdarstellungen.


The Ziegenbalg House

A museum on intercultural dialogue in Tharangambadi

The Ziegenbalg House

A museum on intercultural dialogue

This unique museum was initiated by us in Tharangambadi, South India, at the site of the first Lutheran mission worldwide, and was implemented together with many partners. Since 2017, a museum for intercultural dialogue has been inviting visitors from all over India in the house of the first missionary of the Danish-Halles Mission, Bartholomew Ziegenbalg. With a permanent exhibition, cultural education for children and many cooperations, the museum has become a lively place of cultural exchange in South India.

Europeans can only visit it in combination with a long journey. That is why we are now presenting in a film series how this unique project together with many partners in India and Europe has been successful. Vanakkam!

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Mission Ziegenbalg

Christine Bergmann and Stefan Schwarzer searching for clues in Tharangambadi

Before the Corona Pandemic, when traveling to faraway countries was commonplace, artists Christine Bergmann and Stefan Schwarzer worked in the "City of Singing Waves" Tharangambadi on the east coast of India. On the tracks of the Hall missionaries, they walked in the frenzy of smells and sounds, experienced adventurous rickshaw rides and sacred customs that meet modern capitalism. They enjoyed cultural experiences between temple and junk and the infinite abundance of textile and built ornaments.