Netiquette for the Francke Foundations' social media channels

The Francke Foundations are an educational cosmos that is unique in Europe. Founded with the aim of improving society, we are involved in current debates: democratic education, social participation, sustainable action.

We also want to communicate these values online and offer a forum for open and honest dialogue in the virtual space. On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Google, we report on the diverse everyday life of our foundations, draw attention to current topics and events and provide food for thought and discussion. The Communication and Events department is responsible for the content in these media.

We value your feedback on our content as well as a fair and open dialogue culture in which our users and visitors feel comfortable. Please remain objective and constructive, even in disputes. Please stick to the topic of the discussion and use the respectful and polite tone that you would like others to use as well

Content and comments that 

  • threaten, insult or defame others,
  • are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-democratic, right-wing extremist or otherwise misanthropic,
  • are obscene, pornographic or glorify violence,
  • contain third-party advertising, infringements of someone else's intellectual property or spam
  • violate data protection, privacy or criminal law provisions

on our platforms or in connection with our organisation. We reserve the right to remove violations of our netiquette as well as assumptions or allegations that cannot be factually verified from our platforms. Unfortunately, we must exclude users who repeatedly violate our netiquette from using our platforms.

We reserve the right to adapt and update the netiquette.

Thank you for your activity on our social media channels.