Maria Montessori Day Care Centre

A girl is playing on the floor with blue balls, skittles and wooden blocks.

In the Maria Montessori Day Care Centre we look after up to 120 children aged between eight weeks and six years in mixed-age groups. »Give me time« is Maria Montessori's motto, which leads through everyday life with the children.


Our Concept

The Italian physician and teacher Maria Montessori (1870-1952) understood the child's development as the unfolding of forces according to a hidden but firm inner »blueprint«. Not to hinder this self-development, but to support it, is the basis of the pedagogy named after it. The learning instinct of the child itself leads to the learning of new abilities. The core of the day is therefore free work. Here the child can choose what, with whom and for how long it wants to work. The special Montessori materials, with which movements, techniques and behaviours can be learned, offer suggestions for self-training.

Unser Konzept

Die italienische Ärztin und Pädagogin Maria Montessori (1870-1952) verstand die kindliche Entwicklung als Entfaltung der Kräfte nach einem verborgenen, aber festen inneren »Bauplan«. Diese Selbstentfaltung nicht zu behindern, sondern zu unterstützen, ist Grundlage der nach ihr benannten Pädagogik.

Die Umgebung im Kinderhaus ist für verschiedene Entwicklungsbedürfnisse vorbereitet und die Montessori Materialien sind für individuelles Lernen geschaffen. Jedes Kind wählt seine Arbeit nach eigenem Interesse aus. Dabei erlebt es auf seine Weise eigene Stärken und Schwächen, Kompetenzen, sowie neue Herausforderungen. Soziales und emotionales Lernen ist eine Grundlage sozialen Miteinanders. Im Kinderhaus bieten wir den Kindern ein Umfeld zum Erlernen von sozialen und emotionalen Fähigkeiten. Eine Rahmenbedingung hierfür sind die altersgemischten Gruppen. Sie ermöglichen viele verschiedene soziale Lernanreize. Umgangsformen und Gruppenregeln geben den Kindern Orientierungshilfen. Partizipation ist eine grundlegende Haltung der Montessori Pädagogik. Diese ist durch Offenheit, Wertschätzung und Zutrauen geprägt.

Our Rooms

Since 2005 we have been working in the renovated day-care facilities for children in Voßstraße. In our day care centre there are four groups on two floors (ground floor and 1st floor). Each group has two group rooms, a bathroom, a children's kitchen and a wardrobe.

In the basement of the building we use the Movement space, equipped with gymnastics equipment according to the concept of the movement pedagogue Elfriede Hengstenberg. Here the children get to know their own movement possibilities and playfully experience on how to assess their own abilities. Music, theatre and movement can be done in the music and theatre room. The room has an ellipse on the floor for silent exercises.

Our Garden

Our rooms open directly into the large garden, which we use in all weathers. It invites you to climb, romp and play in the sand. The garden is shared with the Amos Comenius Day Care Centre and the children of the After-School Centre August Hermann Francke .

Our Team

There are currently 16 educational staff working at the children's centre, including the head and deputy head. Almost all of the staff have an additional qualification, the Montessori diploma. One member of staff is currently undergoing extra-occupational training to become a state-recognised educator. One member of staff has additional training in curative education. The team is supported by educational specialists (child carers, social assistants) from temporary employment agencies. A technical employee supports the work in the childcare centre.

Unsere Mitarbeiter:innen

Anja Perlewitz-Hofmann


Carola Weckebrod



Important Information for our parents

The care of the children is covered all day by the food provider DLS Dienstleistungs- und Service GmbH. It includes breakfast, lunch, snacks and fruit. One focus is on seasonal and fresh products from the region. Until 6:30 am you can cancel your child's meal for the current day.

We have breakfast from 7:30 am in a cultivated and cosy atmosphere. At 11:00 a.m. we have lunch. We make sure that every child gets the same food. There are exceptions only for desserts and intolerances to certain ingredients.
Tea, milk, juice and water are offered as drinks. Children are encouraged to drink as often as possible, but not to waste.

In case of illness, vacation or other free days of your child, please contact us by E-mail or phone 0345 2127 500 or 0345 2127 501.

  • Children suffering from a communicable disease or infested with vermin are not allowed to attend the day care centre due to legal regulations.
  • If the child has a communicable infectious disease, the day care centre must be informed immediately.
  • After the child has recovered, a medical certificate must be available in the aforementioned cases stating that the child is healthy again and that there are no objections to visiting the day care centre. This also applies in the case that the child was sent home with the advice of a visit to the doctor due to an acute illness.
  • Children with diarrhoea, vomiting and fever must always be presented to a paediatrician.
  • As a matter of principle, no medication may be administered in the children's facility. In exceptional cases, with the permission of the doctor and the parents, this requirement may be waived.
  • For new admissions, we require a health certificate from the doctor, which must not be older than 3 weeks.

A support association effectively supports the work of the day care centre, for example by purchasing specialist books for the in-house library and Montessori materials for the groups. It also supports us financially with special events (e.g. flea market, start in the Advent). We would like to thank them!

Dates & Events

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about enrollment in a personal introductory meeting. Please make an appointment by phone or by mail with the management of the Kinderhaus. New registrations are possible for August 2024.

Our Day Care Centre is open on weekdays between 6:30 am and 5:30 pm.

On the following days our facility remains closed:
24.03.2023, 19.05.2023, 15.09.2023, 02.10.2023, 30.10.2023, 17.11.2023, 21.12.-03.01.2024


All information subject to change


02.01.2023 The Kinderhaus opens after the Christmas holidays.    
06.01.2023 Holiday: The Kinderhaus is closed
23.01.- 27.01.2023 Observation week for interested parents: After previous registration in the time of 8.30 - 10.00 o'clock - participation without children

31.01.- 04.02.2023 Hospitation week for interested parents: After previous registration in the time of 8.30 - 10.00 - participation without children


01.02.2022 The children's house closes at 15.30
21.02.2023 Carnival  


24.03.2023 Training day: The Kinderhaus is closed

04.04.2023 Easter celebration    
19.04.2023 The Kinderhaus closes 15.30: Parents' afternoon for parents starting school    


Date Palm Festival    
10.05.2023 EN for new parents

Flea market   
19.05.2023 Bridge day: The Kinderhaus is closed

01.06.2023 Children's Day    
16./17.06.2023 Zuckertütenfest    


05.07.2023 The Kinderhaus closes at 15.30 hrs.

01.08.2023 Welcome of the new children and families    

01./02.09.2023 30th birthday of the Kinderhaus   
22.- 24.09.2023 Montessori Congress: emergency staffing on 22.09.2023
15.09.2023 Company outing: The Kinderhaus is closed


Harvest-Thanksgiving-Festival: Please pay attention to the notices!
02.10.2023 Bridge day: The Kinderhaus is closed.
30.10.2023 Bridge day: The Kinderhaus is closed


St. Martin's procession    
17.11.2023 Reading Day    
Advent with fairy tale carpet    
17.11.2023 Training day: The Kinderhaus is closed


06.12.2023 Advent singing: 15.00 h Freylinghausen hall
12.12.2023 Christmas party in the groups    
21.12.-03.01.2024 Weihnachtsferien: The Kinderhaus is closed and will reopen on 04.01.2024.