August Hermann Francke Study Centre – Archive and Library

View into the Linden-Courtyard with the Study-Centre building

Dear users of the reading room of the August Hermann Francke Study Center,

Please register for the use of the reading room by e-mail (lesesaal at or by telephone (0345 2127 470). We kindly ask you to place your orders by e-mail or by using the ordering system of the OPAC or the archive database, so that the ordered archive and library material can already be placed at your reading room place before you come.

Together the Archives and the Library of the Francke Foundations form the August Hermann Francke Study Centre. This centre extends spatially from the Historical Library building (House 22) to the adjacent premises (Houses 23-24).

The Study Centre is a service facility for the preservation and cataloguing of and research into the holdings of the Archives and Library of the Francke Foundations. In recent years it has been able to initiate and carry out comprehensive and innovative cataloguing projects with the financial support of the German Research Foundation. They improve our understanding of the sources and provide a solid basis for new perspectives and research projects.

Use of the Archives and Library

The ground floor of the library building houses a public Reading Room, where the holdings of the Library and the Archive of the Francke Foundations can be looked into. The Reference Library with current scientific literature on church history and cultural history of the early modern period, especially concerning Pietism, contributes to the use of the Archive and Library holdings.
Databases and online catalogues are available for research in the archive and library collections. As not all holdings are available online, conventional search tools and catalogues are also provided in addition to the electronic catalogues.
Upon request introductions to the use of the archive and library holdings will be gladly given. Please contact the Reading Room’s supervisor.

Conservation and Book Adoptions

A further aim of the Study Centre is the preservation of the centuries-old, valuable holdings of the Archive and the Library. This includes books and manuscripts as well as portraits. The holdings are partially extremely endangered due to wear and tear, ink corrosion or mould. An additional problem is the increasing interest in the historical sources, which –albeit welcomed in principle – require preventative conservational measures. We depend on support from sponsors and on donations. You can help in various ways:

Donations account
Friends of the Francke Foundation
Freundeskreis der Franckeschen Stiftungen e.V.
Saalesparkasse Halle
Konto-Nr.: 1894014177
BLZ: 800 537 62,
IBAN: DE92 8005 3762 1894 0141 77

Thank you!

Persons in the Study Centre

Dirk Glettner

Reading room

Dr. Jürgen Gröschl


Michael Hübner


Dr. Hans-Otto Korth

Freelance employee

Barbara Lemke


Dr. Wolfgang Miersemann

Freelance employee

Anke Mies


Dr. Erika Pabst

Freelance employee

Mirjam Pohl


Arvid Steubler


André Volprich

Digitisation service