
[Translate to Englisch:] Das sonnenbeschienene Gutshaus

Outdoors and Sustainable:

How exactly does a greenhouse work? What vegetables can be grown here with us? What was life like a hundred years ago?
Can I make my own raised bed? And how important is the forest with all its plants and inhabitants?

We will answer these questions for you at the Stiftsgut in Stichelsdorf.

Old barns, the adventure forest, the historic bakery and other handicraft rooms teach us about the sustainable use of nature and our resources.

Even in August Hermann Francke's time, the Stiftsgüter around Halle supplied the orphanage in the city with fresh fruit and vegetables. And so today, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and other seasonal produce are still grown in the greenhouses. These are then processed in projects on site or in the facilities in the city.

The large grounds are mainly used for environmental education and experiential education. In addition to growing and cultivating the farmer's garden, we also deal with water supply and sustainable animal husbandry, among other things.

With our own beach volleyball facility and the playhouse, we also offer sporting activities.

For more intensive experiences, excursions lasting several days or holiday camps, the guest house even offers the possibility for larger groups to spend several days on the Stiftsgut. For example, the beach volleyball camp and the hip-hop camp take place here.