Committees of the Francke Foundations

The Francke Foundations are a foundation under public law.
Their organisation is described in the Statutes of 1 Juni 2003.
The Board of Trustees is the supreme organ of the Francke Foundations.
The director, who conducts the business full-time, is subordinate to the board of trustees.
The Association of Friends of the Francke Foundations contributes to the idealistic and financial support of the foundations.
The Institutions represented on the foundation's premises are united in the Forum.

The Board of Trustees of the Francke Foundations

The Board Trustees decides on all fundamental matters of the foundations. It is composed of high representatives from state, church and society.


Honorary Chair

Dr. h.c. Hans-Dietrich Genscher († 2016)
Former Federal Foreign Minister

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Paul Raabe († 2013)
Director (ret.) of the Francke Foundations

Prof. Dr. Helmut Obst
Faculty of Theology of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


Prof. Dr. Udo Sträter
Rector (ret.) of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


Brigitte Andrae
President (ret.) of the Church Office of the Protestant Church in Central Germany

The other members

Prof. Dr. Claudia Becker
Rector of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Torsten Bönnhoff
Managing Partner STUDIO HALLE Group

Eva Feußner
Minister for Education of the State of Saxony-Anhalt

Dr. Jürgen Fox
Chairman of the Board of Saalesparkasse

Egbert Geier
Mayor of the City of Halle

Michael Lehmann
Senior Church Councillor of the Church Office of the Protestant Church in Central Germany

Prof. Dr. Johanna Mierendorff
President of the Association of Friends of the Francke Foundations e.V.

Ingo Mix
Head of Group K2 Art and Culture Promotion at the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media

Dr. Sebastian Putz
State Secretary for Culture, State Chancellery and Ministry of Culture of the State of Saxony-Anhalt

Propst Dr. Johann Schneider
Regional Bishop of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany

Dr. Sabine Solf
Member of the German UNESCO Commission

Standing Committee of the Board of Trustees

Brigitte Andrae
President (ret.) of the Church Office of the Protestant Church in Central Germany

Dr. Sebastian Putz
State Secretary for Culture, State Chancellery and Ministry of Culture of the State of Saxony-Anhalt

Dr. Sabine Solf
Member of the German UNESCO Commission

Prof. Dr. Udo Sträter
Rector (ret.) of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

The Forum of the Franckesche Foundations

The Forum of the Francke Foundations brings together all the Institutions on the site. It forms the basis for the fruitful cooperation and networking projects of the scientific, cultural, Christian and educational institutions that are now at home in the school town of August Hermann Francke.

Ljuba Barth
Church Elder of the Orthodox Chapel of the Holy Cross

Sebastian Berakdar
Chairman of Kammermusikvereins Halle e.V.

Anke Berghaus-Sprengel
Director of the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Décultot
Managing Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Pietism Research (IZP)

Jens Deutsch
Managing Director of the Sports Association SV Francke 08

Sabine Fabian
Managing Director of the Integration and work GmbH

Clemens Flämig
Choirmaster of the Boys' Choir-Stadtsingechor zu Halle

Dirk Friederich
Owner of the Orphanage-Pharmacy

Prof. Dr. Torsten Fritzlar
Faculty of Philosophy III, Educational/ Dean´s Office

Katy Gruber
Care service management of the retirement home of the Paul Riebeck Foundation in Halle an der Saale in the »House of Generations«.

Martin Hahs
Managing Director of the Noodle Factory Tranquebar - Cafe

Pastor Sven Hanson
Head of Canstein Bible Centre

Kirsten Haß
Administrative Director of the German Federal Cultural Foundation

Dr. Anna-Elisabeth Hintzsche
President of the International Georg-Wilhelm-Steller Society e.V.

Dietmar Hoge
Head of the Latina August Hermann Francke State Grammar School

Prof. Dr. Bettina Hünersdorf
Managing Director of the Centre for School and Educational Research (ZSB) of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Detlef Kohrs
Managing Director of the Studentenwerk Halle

Hans-Martin Krusche-Ortmann
Inspector of the Study House of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany

Annette Kuntze
Head of the Secondary School August Hermann Francke

Carina Linden
Director of the August Hermann Francke Primary School

Prof. Dr. Johanna Mierendorff
President of the Association of Friends of the Francke Foundations

Christiane Noll
Head of the Music School Musik-Etage Halle e.V.

Dr. Klaus vom Orde
Head of the Research Centre Edition Spenerbriefe of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Birgit Reißig
Branch Manager of the German Youth Institute e.V.

Cathrin Rudolph
Head of administration of the Pensionsanstalt of the Landesgymnasium Latina August Hermann Francke

Thomas Schödel
Director of the State Institute for School Quality and Teacher Education Saxony-Anhalt

Prof. Dr. Friedemann Stengel
Managing Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Pietism Research (IZP)
Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Martin-Luther University Halle

Henry Ventur
Coordinator of the instrumental area music branch of the Latina

Beate Violet
Director of the Pastoral Care Seminary of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany

Nils Wagner
Owner of the Bookshop in the Francke Foundations

Kerstin Westphal
Head of the Maria Montessori Independent School. Protestant Primary School with integration

Paul Zaprasis
Director of the Spielehaus e.V.

Prof. Dr. Holger Zaunstöck
Chairman of the Historical Society - Society for the Study of the History of Halle