Youth Club TiQ

Youth Club

Foosball and billiards table are occupied by the young people at Tiq in no time

In our TiQ youth club (from 12 years) we offer you a place in the centre of the Francke Foundations where you can meet and decide what happens there. Your creativity, your love of discussion, your cooking skills, your sporting, craft or other talents are in demand here. You can try things out or just relax. There is a common room with table football, billiards and a kitchen, as well as a creative workshop and a sound studio.
What you can find here: Freedom, co-determination, peace, open ears, creative offers, a kitchen, excursions to our Stiftsgut in Stichelsdorf, discoveries in the Francke Foundations, committed contact persons, sports activities, good ideas for difficult situations, projects with other youth clubs in the city, free wi-fi, lots of humour, serenity, ...

We welcome visitors of all nationalities. When we play chess, cook together or take part in a rap workshop, we get to talk, exchange ideas and learn a lot from each other.

So take a look at what we have to offer, come along and join in!

And if you notice something that is still missing in the TiQ, tell us about it and design your TiQ with us!


Youth Club TiQ


Für Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren

Ihr interessiert euch für Rap und die HipHop-Kultur? Ihr wollt euch ausprobieren und selbst rappen? Texte schreiben, Beats bauen und euren eigenen Song aufnehmen? Dann seid ihr hier genau richtig!
In unserem Tonstudio steht euch das nötige Equipment zur Verfügung und unser Workshopleiter Hannes steht euch mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und hilft euch dabei, eure kreativen Ideen und Projekte umzusetzen.


  • Participants: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl, nur mit Voranmeldung
  • Duration: Jeden Dienstag 15–18 Uhr
  • Cost: keine
  • Meeting point: Haus IV

Contact person

Franziska Bernhardt

Pedagogical assistant TiQ plus

TiQ mobile in Stichelsdorf

TiQ mobile Workshop
For young people aged 12 and over

On a green orchard meadow, young people relax in hanging chairs and on deckchairs.

Do you want to explore and experience nature? Are you interested in vegetable growing and animal husbandry? A great way to escape city life is to regularly visit our huge Stiftsgut estate in Stichelsdorf. Here, you can look forward to activities centred around nature and sustainability, games and sports and plenty of opportunities to contribute your own ideas.


  • Duration: Wednesday 2-5 pm
  • Cost: free of charge
  • Meeting point: Haus IV

Contact person

Mandy Hertel

Pedagogical assistant TiQ


Staff in the Youth Club TiQ

Frieda Rahn

Pedagogical employee TiQ