Total Real? Digitality in schools and museum education

Webtalk (hybrid) from the annual exhibition of the Francke Foundations

Guests at the Museum Night sit in the Freylinghausen Hall in the centre of the room-sized engraving of the 18th century Lindenhof projected onto the wall.
A person holds up a tablet in front of the Francke monument, on which a photo of the monument from 1990 can be seen.

How is digitality shaping learning in schools and museums? In our two-part webtalk series »Total Real? Digitality in schools and museum education«, we examine the challenges and opportunities of the digital transformation in education. Partners in the series are the State Institute for School Quality and Teacher Training and the Saxony-Anhalt Museum Association.

Both web talks will take place in hybrid form, will be moderated by Lydia Jakobi (MDR Kultur) and will be broadcast live from the Francke Foundations' annual exhibition. Places on site are limited. Please register at the information centre (infozentrum at for the on-site seats. We will publish the access link to the event on this page. The event will be held in German.

Tuesday, 11/12/2024

1. Where does learning take place today? School and museum in search of new learning settings

How is digital learning changing education in and out of school? What skills do children and young people need in order to be prepared for an increasingly digitalised working and living environment? Where are the fields of action for schools and cultural institutions? Together with Kay Adenstedt, Head of the Department of Digitality in School Education at LISA (Halle), and Wybke Wiechell, Managing Director of the Landesvereinigung kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. (Magdeburg), we will take a look at the foundations of successful learning and address the controversial discussions surrounding the role of digitality in education. You are invited to join the discussion!

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Tuesday, 11/19/2024

2. How do we learn today for tomorrow? The digital extension of the analogue or a workshop view of the transformation

How is digitality changing learning in schools and museums? Can digital learning really be vivid, or does it reach the limits of the real object? The webtalk from the Francke Foundations' annual exhibition explores these key questions and presents how VR, AR and other digital technologies are being used in education. Are they real learning tools or just clever distraction manoeuvres?

Together with Dr Elisabeth Böhm, Managing Director of digiCULT-Verbund eG (Kiel) and Katrin Hünemörder, Managing Director of - Verein für Medienbildung e.V. (Berlin), we will discuss how digital offerings can be both individually accessible and open up a dimension of experience that is only possible in virtual space.

Immerse yourself in the digital transformation with us, let us explore the opportunities and limitations of digital learning and provide practical insights into the future of education.

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm