In the toolbox of visualisation
Filmic insight into the annual exhibition »Total real«
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Over 300 years ago, the educationalists August Hermann Francke and Christoph Semler broke new ground and founded the secondary school system. Using specially produced teaching aids, practical tools, scientific instruments and natural objects, they wanted to teach nature and technology in a practical and, above all, vivid way.
The annual exhibition »Totally real. The discovery of visualisation« invites adults and families to marvel and participate - with valuable exhibits from the oldest teaching collections in Europe, numerous original models from Francke's school town and many hands-on stations. You can also visit our corresponding online exhibition and take a look behind the scenes of the annual exhibition!
In our new film, you can take a first look at the exhibition with curator Tom Gärtig. Discover the history of school lessons and decide for yourself: How do we want to learn in the future?