Nature guide by children for all Halle residents


In the flower bed at Franckeplatz, there is a nature guide about the Pießnitz, which the children of the Krokoseum helped to create. A praying mantis is hiding among the flowers.
A freshly dug up earthworm lies on a child's hand.

For a year, the children of the Krokoseum have been regularly exploring the Peißnitz Island in the middle of the Saale River. As part of the project »Nature Guide by Little Ones for the Big Citizens of Halle«, they, together with Nele Klimmer, took a close look at the island's flora and fauna. What else is there on the island besides the park railway, the large stage, and the climbing playground? Blackberries, tree of heaven, or earthworms—nothing escaped the children's attention. All the discoveries were documented with photos and drawings, information about them was researched, and the presentation was prepared.

The observation results (in german only) can now be read in a specially produced brochure and online. Thirty plants and animals are introduced. In addition to the Krokoseum, the Wildnistreff Peißnitzhaus, Riesenklein, the Evangelical Primary School, Feininger High School, and the after-school care of Glaucha Primary School were also involved in the project.

Why not take the nature guide with you on your next walk around the island? Can you find what the children discovered? The brochure is available for free at the Krokoseum and Peißnitzhaus. (in German only).