Postdoctoral fellowship for East Central European researchers in Gotha, Halle and Wolfenbüttel (3 months)

The Gotha Research Center at the University of Erfurt, the Francke Foundations in Halle and the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel are once again awarding a three-month scholarship for 2025 to an excellent doctoral researcher from the East Central European region to research their collections. The international scholarship program is open to all historically oriented disciplines. It supports projects that focus on researching the collections of all three institutions, linking them together and placing them in relation to one another. A clearly substantiated reference to the collections held on site is therefore essential.

The Gotha site of the University of Erfurt with the universally oriented collections of the former ducal house of Saxony-Gotha-Altenburg, in particular in the Gotha Research Library, the Francke Foundations in Halle with the Historical Library and the famous Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities from 1736/41 and the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel as the most important early modern library in Germany are among the outstanding collection and research institutions for the cultural history of the European pre-modern period (with a focus on the period before 1800). The collections are also often thematically close to each other. Corresponding topics and questions can therefore often be addressed equally at all three locations; at the same time, however, many research projects could benefit considerably from the simultaneous use of the collections of all three institutions. In future, this research will be specifically supported by the joint scholarship program.

The scholarship amounts to 2,000 euros per month. In addition, there may be a family allowance of 400 euros per month. The host institutions will assist in arranging childcare.

For the entire period, residence is compulsory at at least one of the three locations. Stays of at least two weeks must be completed at all three institutions. A travel allowance of 500 euros is granted.

The scholarship program is funded by the Dorothee Wilms-Stiftung im »Stifterverband« ( It is planned to continue the program.

To apply, please request the form at ed.bah@gnuhcsrof. The program in this cycle is coordinated by the Herzog August Library.

Contact: Dr. Elizabeth Harding


Cooperation partner:

Gotha Research Library:

Francke Foundations in Halle:

Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel:

Funding period: 3 months, between January 1 and August 31, 2025

Application deadline: October 31, 2024