Little Barn
House 34
House 34
Within sight of the Große Doppelquertenne stands the so-called Kleine Scheune (Small Barn). It was built in 1724 as a half-timbered stable building and is part of the farm that belonged to the Francke Foundations and served to provide for the self-sufficiency of the school town with its several thousand people. Later, two coach-like annexes were added, which have been intentionally preserved in the 2020/21 renovation. To create new space, we have extended this former agricultural building right up to the roof and will make it available to the Federal Cultural Foundation for its work in the future.
For reasons of economy, many buildings in the foundations were erected without foundations, including this one. Over the centuries, this led to the building sagging by more than 20 cm at the south-east corner. Under the guidance of the structural engineers, the truss construction was straightened in the course of the restoration and underpinned with a foundation.
Nach der Rettung 2021 hat die Kulturstiftung des Bundes das Gebäude bezogen. Stiftungsdirektor Thomas Müller-Bahlke und Vorstandsmitglied der Kulturstiftung Hortensia Völckers nehmen Sie mit in die frisch sanierten Räume.
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