Research Centre

Das frisch sanierte, helle Druckereigebäude leuchtet vor herbstlicher Kulisse.

Interdisciplinary research into the history of the Francke Foundations from the 17th to the 20th century is part of the mission and self-image of the Foundations as a researching and mediating cultural institution. To this end, the Research Centre develops scientific perspective plans as well as research projects and acts as an interface to regional, national and international institutions and cooperation partners. In addition, concepts for the annual exhibitions are developed and conferences and workshops are held. Special attention is paid to the promotion of young scientists.

Research and Cooperations

Eine Person zeigt einer anderen im Lesesaal der Bibliothek ein Bild am Rechner

Dr. Liselotte Kirchner-Fellowship

Junge Menschen stehen gemeinsam an einem Tisch und betrachten alte Archivquellen

Conferences, Workshops, Call for Papers

Conference in the Freylinghausen Hall

Exhibition Projects

View into the exhibition room "Marktplatz" with a historical instrument of punishment: a shame mask and a shame coat.

Teaching and Qualification Work

Menschen sitzen in einer Bibliothek am Tisch und arbeiten

Department's Staff

Laura Kuddes


Giulia Speciale

Project »Objects from Borneo in the Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities«

Dr. Daniel Watermann

Project »Pupils life and school city in the 19th and 20th c.«

Claudia Weiß

Project »Alchemie am Halleschen Waisenhaus im 18. Jh.«

[Translate to Englisch:] Foto Claudia Weiß