Calendar of the Francke Foundations

Out of Borneo

Provenance and Materiality of Objects from Borneo in the Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities at the Halle Orphanage in an International Comparative Perspective

The Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities of the Francke Foundations is a museum space from the 18th century. But the collection also has a lively history in the 19th century. This includes the exciting, challenging history of objects from Borneo, which were sent to Halle in the 1840s and which are embedded in current debates and post-colonial research. A project funded by the German Lost Art Foundation is now investigating the provenances of the objects in an in-depth analysis.

The digital, international workshop with experts from various institutes in Germany, England and Malaysia/Borneo brings together research and findings relating to collections and the collection history of objects from Borneo. The aim is to highlight the connections between the individual collections, in which the objects in the Kunst- und Naturalienkammer of the Francke Foundations can be classified as one of the earliest collections.

The interdisciplinary workshop will be held exclusively online and in English. Please register with Giulia Speciale. 

Contact: speciale(at)


Familienhoftag im Stiftsgut Stichelsdorf

05. April 2025

On a green orchard meadow, young people relax in hanging chairs and on deckchairs.

Familienstunde im Museum

06. April 2025

Ein Junge stützt sich auf eine Vitrine in der barocken Wunderkammer und ist begeistert von dem, was er sieht.


15. April 2025

Der Freylinghausen-Saal mit Besucher:innen der Unterhausdebatte von oben

Streiten für Verständigung

Der Besuch des preußischen Königs

16. April 2025

Two actors perform the dialogue between Francke and King Frederick William I on the stairs of the Historic Orphanage during his visit in 1713.

Theatraler Rundgang durch das Historische Waisenhaus

Kolloquium im Dr. Liselotte Kirchner-Stipendienprogramm

24. April 2025

Young researchers follow a colleague's lecture online on a large video screen.

Pharmazeutische Wissenswelten in Geschichte und Gegenwart

24. April 2025

Vortragsabende mit dem Institut für Pharmazie und der Stabstelle Forschung

Ohne Worte!

26. April 2025

Lyrikworkshop mit Nadja Küchenmeister


10. May 2025

© Uwe Frauendorf

Illusion Wunderkammer. Chaos – Ordnung, Musik und Licht


21. May 2025

Kurze, pointierte und unterhaltsame Führung zur Mittagszeit mit geselligem Ausklang



Out of Borneo

Provenance and Materiality of Objects from Borneo in the Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities at the Halle Orphanage in an International Comparative Perspective

The Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities of the Francke Foundations is a museum space from the 18th century. But the collection also has a lively history in the 19th century. This includes the exciting, challenging history of objects from Borneo, which were sent to Halle in the 1840s and which are embedded in current debates and post-colonial research. A project funded by the German Lost Art Foundation is now investigating the provenances of the objects in an in-depth analysis.

The digital, international workshop with experts from various institutes in Germany, England and Malaysia/Borneo brings together research and findings relating to collections and the collection history of objects from Borneo. The aim is to highlight the connections between the individual collections, in which the objects in the Kunst- und Naturalienkammer of the Francke Foundations can be classified as one of the earliest collections.

The interdisciplinary workshop will be held exclusively online and in English. Please register with Giulia Speciale. 

Contact: speciale(at)


Archivophilia. Beautiful things from the archive of the Francke Foundations

Cabinet exhibition

21. November 2024 - 14. April 2025Haus 22-24

Francke im Wandel

Gestalten Sie mit uns die neue Ausstellung zum Stiftungsgründer!

Haus 28

Historisches Waisenhaus

Ein Schloss für die Bildung

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Kunst- und Naturalienkammer

3000 Wunder der Welt

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus


»Eine der besten Bibliotheken der Zeit«

Haus 22


Kraft des Wortes

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Rundgang durch das Kulturdenkmal

300 Jahre Bildung in einer einzigartigen Architekturlandschaft



Weltveränderung durch Menschenveränderung

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus