Calendar of the Francke Foundations

Alchemical knowledge and practical laboratory work

Interdisciplinary workshop on pharmaceutical production in the early modern period and at Halle's Historic Orphanageorphanage

[Translate to Englisch:] Laborgeräte, Kupferstich, 1693
[Translate to Englisch:]

The interdisciplinary workshop accompanies the DFG project »Alchemy and Pietism. Alchemical Practice at the Historic Orphanage in the 18th Century«, which has been based at the Francke Foundations' Research Department since April 2023. The focus will be on medical alchemy and related early modern alchemical knowledge practices. The workshop will combine perspectives from the history of knowledge with those from the history of pharmacy and chemistry. The research results on alchemical practice and drug production at the Historic Orphanage in the 18th century that have been achieved so far in the DFG project will be discussed and contextualized together.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

12.30 Welcome coffee on the event floor, Historic Orphanage (House 1)
13.00 View of a vanished alchemical laboratory topography - guided tour of the Historic Orphanage and the grounds of the Francke Foundations
14.00 Holger Zaunstöck (Halle): Welcome and introduction to the DFG project on alchemical practices at the Historic Orphanage in the 18th century
14.15 Marian Füssel (Göttingen): The practices of knowledge in the early modern period: corporeality - materiality - spatiality
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Stefan Laube (Berlin): Full of zest for action - reflections on the genre of the recipe in alchemy
16.15 Stefan Hanß (Manchester): Biochemical analysis of early modern drug prescriptions
17.00 Coffee break
17.30 Christian-Heinrich Wunderlich (Halle): Searching for traces in Wittenberg: a Paracelsian alchemy combine?
18.15 Claudia Weiß (Halle): Alchemical practice and drug production at the Halle orphanage in the 18th century

Thursday, March 6, 2025

09.00 Sarah Lang (Graz): Michael Maier and drinking gold
09.45 Rainer Werthmann (Kassel): Johann Rudolph Glauber and the Vera Tinctura Solis
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Ute Frietsch (Wolfenbüttel): The philosophical key: Robert Fludd's experiments and images
11.45 Volkhard Wels (Berlin): Salt. A universal medicine for humans and metals
12.30 Closing discussion

Please register at by February 28, 2025.


Ordnung durch Architektur. Lernen und Leben in Franckes Schulstadt aus Architekturplänen rekonstruiert

26. February 2025

Buchpräsentationen in der Reihe »Neu entdeckt und neu erworben«

Familienstunde im Museum

02. March 2025

Drei Mädchen stehen mit dem Nachbau eines historischen Navigationsgerätes vor dem Weltenmodell in der Wunderkammer. einem

Alchemical knowledge and practical laboratory work

05. March 2025

[Translate to Englisch:] Laborgeräte, Kupferstich, 1693
[Translate to Englisch:]

Interdisciplinary workshop on pharmaceutical production in the early modern period and at Halle's Historic Orphanageorphanage

Stunde der Musik

08. March 2025

Innenansicht des imposanten Freylinghausen-Saals

Gastkonzert des Kammermusikvereins

Der Besuch des preußischen Königs

19. March 2025

Two actors perform the dialogue between Francke and King Frederick William I on the stairs of the Historic Orphanage during his visit in 1713.

Theatraler Rundgang durch das Historische Waisenhaus


21.-23. März 2025

Das Denkmals August Hermann Franckes

Eröffnung des Jahresprogramms 2025 »Alles in Ordnung?«

Pharmazeutische Wissenswelten in Geschichte und Gegenwart

24. April 2025

Vortragsabende mit dem Institut für Pharmazie und der Stabstelle Forschung


10. May 2025

© Uwe Frauendorf

Chaos, Ordnung, Licht

Halle Lectures

Blick in den Freylinghausen-Saal


Alchemical knowledge and practical laboratory work

Interdisciplinary workshop on pharmaceutical production in the early modern period and at Halle's Historic Orphanageorphanage

[Translate to Englisch:] Laborgeräte, Kupferstich, 1693
[Translate to Englisch:]

The interdisciplinary workshop accompanies the DFG project »Alchemy and Pietism. Alchemical Practice at the Historic Orphanage in the 18th Century«, which has been based at the Francke Foundations' Research Department since April 2023. The focus will be on medical alchemy and related early modern alchemical knowledge practices. The workshop will combine perspectives from the history of knowledge with those from the history of pharmacy and chemistry. The research results on alchemical practice and drug production at the Historic Orphanage in the 18th century that have been achieved so far in the DFG project will be discussed and contextualized together.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

12.30 Welcome coffee on the event floor, Historic Orphanage (House 1)
13.00 View of a vanished alchemical laboratory topography - guided tour of the Historic Orphanage and the grounds of the Francke Foundations
14.00 Holger Zaunstöck (Halle): Welcome and introduction to the DFG project on alchemical practices at the Historic Orphanage in the 18th century
14.15 Marian Füssel (Göttingen): The practices of knowledge in the early modern period: corporeality - materiality - spatiality
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Stefan Laube (Berlin): Full of zest for action - reflections on the genre of the recipe in alchemy
16.15 Stefan Hanß (Manchester): Biochemical analysis of early modern drug prescriptions
17.00 Coffee break
17.30 Christian-Heinrich Wunderlich (Halle): Searching for traces in Wittenberg: a Paracelsian alchemy combine?
18.15 Claudia Weiß (Halle): Alchemical practice and drug production at the Halle orphanage in the 18th century

Thursday, March 6, 2025

09.00 Sarah Lang (Graz): Michael Maier and drinking gold
09.45 Rainer Werthmann (Kassel): Johann Rudolph Glauber and the Vera Tinctura Solis
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Ute Frietsch (Wolfenbüttel): The philosophical key: Robert Fludd's experiments and images
11.45 Volkhard Wels (Berlin): Salt. A universal medicine for humans and metals
12.30 Closing discussion

Please register at by February 28, 2025.


Archivophilia. Beautiful things from the archive of the Francke Foundations

Cabinet exhibition

21. November 2024 - 20. April 2025Haus 22-24

Francke im Wandel

Gestalten Sie mit uns die neue Ausstellung zum Stiftungsgründer!

Haus 28

Historisches Waisenhaus

Ein Schloss für die Bildung

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Kunst- und Naturalienkammer

3000 Wunder der Welt

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus


»Eine der besten Bibliotheken der Zeit«

Haus 22


Kraft des Wortes

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Rundgang durch das Kulturdenkmal

300 Jahre Bildung in einer einzigartigen Architekturlandschaft



Weltveränderung durch Menschenveränderung

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus