Calendar of the Francke Foundations

Beautiful literature from the Middle Ages to the early modern period

Vernissage of the cabinet exhibition of the same name

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[Translate to Englisch:]

This year, the Historical Library will be adorning itself with "Belles Lettres" - showcasing books from the foundations' collection that are particularly worth seeing: Chivalric novels, tragedies, famous poems, novellas and fairy tales. The exhibits range from a medieval manuscript to magnificently illustrated early modern prints and first editions from the Classical and Romantic periods. The exhibition is also a contribution to the Klopstock Year 2024.

The opening of the cabinet exhibition will be introduced with a lecture by Dr Christiane Holm, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of German Studies, on the special challenges of exhibiting books.


Familienhoftag im Stiftsgut Stichelsdorf

17. August 2024

On a green orchard meadow, young people relax in hanging chairs and on deckchairs.

Healing body and soul. Medicine and Hygiene in the 18th Century

02. May - 17. October 2021

[Translate to Englisch:] Das Kinderkrankenhaus auf dem Gelände der Stiftungen

In 1721, the foundation stone for the children's hospital in Germany was laid at the Francke Foundations. The 300th anniversary of this event is the occasion for the annual...

Hallesche Nacht der Kirchen

17. August 2024

Die Bibel ins Spiel bringen

Tag des offenen Denkmals

08. September 2024

Two actors from the new theatre in Halle let us experience the visit of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm I to August Hermann Francke in 1713 as part of a theatre tour.

Total Real. Die Entdeckung der Anschaulichkeit

23. March 2024 - 02. February 2025

Wie nähere ich mich der Welt, um sie zu verstehen?



Beautiful literature from the Middle Ages to the early modern period

Vernissage of the cabinet exhibition of the same name

[Translate to Englisch:]
[Translate to Englisch:]

This year, the Historical Library will be adorning itself with "Belles Lettres" - showcasing books from the foundations' collection that are particularly worth seeing: Chivalric novels, tragedies, famous poems, novellas and fairy tales. The exhibits range from a medieval manuscript to magnificently illustrated early modern prints and first editions from the Classical and Romantic periods. The exhibition is also a contribution to the Klopstock Year 2024.

The opening of the cabinet exhibition will be introduced with a lecture by Dr Christiane Holm, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of German Studies, on the special challenges of exhibiting books.


Total Real. Die Entdeckung der Anschaulichkeit

Jahresausstellung 2024

23. March 2024 - 02. February 2025Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Francke im Wandel

Gestalten Sie mit uns die neue Ausstellung zum Stiftungsgründer!

11. September 2022 - 10. September 2024House 28

On the beauty of literature

Cabinet exhibition

26. April - 03. November 2024House 22-24

Historisches Waisenhaus

Ein Schloss für die Bildung

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Kunst- und Naturalienkammer

3000 Wunder der Welt

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus


»Eine der besten Bibliotheken der Zeit«

Haus 22


Kraft des Wortes

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Rundgang durch das Kulturdenkmal

300 Jahre Bildung in einer einzigartigen Architekturlandschaft



Weltveränderung durch Menschenveränderung

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus