Calendar of the Francke Foundations

Coffee Lectures at the Study Centre: Interesting facts during the coffee break

The August Hermann Francke Study Centre invites you regularly to a coffee break with information content. On the last Tuesday of every month at 1 p.m., colleagues from the Study Centre and the Research Centre will give short, entertaining talks of about 15 minutes, providing insights into the various areas and services offered by the Science Department of the Francke Foundations: From literature research, information on the collections in the archive and library, questions about the Old Book to interesting facts about current projects.

Interested users of the reading room, students, colleagues from the departments of the Francke Foundations and their partner institutions on the Foundation grounds are invited to attend.

The event will be held in German.

Tuesday, 01/28/2025

Foundation holdings in web portals and online catalogs (J. Gröschl, A. Mies)

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm, Cafeteria
Tuesday, 02/25/2025

Historical building plans in the digital collections of the Study Centre (A. Steubler)

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm, Cafeteria
Tuesday, 03/25/2025

Acquisition in the library of the Francke Foundations (M. Hübner)

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm, Cafeteria


Stunde der Musik

04. January 2025

Innenansicht des imposanten Freylinghausen-Saals

Gastkonzert des Kammermusikvereins

Familienstunde im Museum

05. January 2025

Ein Junge stützt sich auf eine Vitrine in der barocken Wunderkammer und ist begeistert von dem, was er sieht.

Pharmazeutische Wissenswelten in Geschichte und Gegenwart

24. April 2025

Vortragsabende mit dem Institut für Pharmazie und der Stabstelle Forschung



Coffee Lectures at the Study Centre: Interesting facts during the coffee break

The August Hermann Francke Study Centre invites you regularly to a coffee break with information content. On the last Tuesday of every month at 1 p.m., colleagues from the Study Centre and the Research Centre will give short, entertaining talks of about 15 minutes, providing insights into the various areas and services offered by the Science Department of the Francke Foundations: From literature research, information on the collections in the archive and library, questions about the Old Book to interesting facts about current projects.

Interested users of the reading room, students, colleagues from the departments of the Francke Foundations and their partner institutions on the Foundation grounds are invited to attend.

The event will be held in German.

Tuesday, 01/28/2025

Foundation holdings in web portals and online catalogs (J. Gröschl, A. Mies)

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm, Cafeteria
Tuesday, 02/25/2025

Historical building plans in the digital collections of the Study Centre (A. Steubler)

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm, Cafeteria
Tuesday, 03/25/2025

Acquisition in the library of the Francke Foundations (M. Hübner)

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm, Cafeteria


Total Real. Die Entdeckung der Anschaulichkeit

Jahresausstellung 2024

23. March 2024 - 02. February 2025Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Archivophilie. Schönes aus dem Archiv der Franckeschen Stiftungen


21. November 2024 - 27. April 2025House 22-24

Francke im Wandel

Gestalten Sie mit uns die neue Ausstellung zum Stiftungsgründer!

11. September 2022 - 31. December 2024Haus 28

Historisches Waisenhaus

Ein Schloss für die Bildung

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Kunst- und Naturalienkammer

3000 Wunder der Welt

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus


»Eine der besten Bibliotheken der Zeit«

Haus 22


Kraft des Wortes

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus

Rundgang durch das Kulturdenkmal

300 Jahre Bildung in einer einzigartigen Architekturlandschaft



Weltveränderung durch Menschenveränderung

Haus 1 - Historisches Waisenhaus